Course Creation
Ready to sell your course in 5 days?
Join us March 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22
What we are covering:
- Day 1: Get Organised
Its time to stop and tack action, get organised and get oriented with the challenge! - Day 2: Ideation & Planning
Its time to take those ideas sitting in that beautiful brain of yours and put together a plan for your course. - Day 3:Course Structure
Without the right foundations, something will likely fall, in one way or another, lets avoid this trap and set your course up the right way from the start! - Day 4:Course Types & Pricing
But what type of course is best for me? How much should I charge? Lets cover these common questions so you have the confidence to sell your course! - Day 5:Name It, Create It and Launch It
You cannot sell a secret! Lets give your course an identity, lets bring it to life and lets launch it!