Time Management 101 : Finding your Income Producing Time
Aug 27, 2020Time Management 101
Have you ever felt like you don’t have enough hours in the day...
to perform all the necessary tasks you would like to do?
Are you struggling to find time to do everything you love,
plus have time to spend time with family or friends?
I literally love time management.
It's one of the most favorite coaching sessions that I do.
Because I always end up at the end of the coaching session with people going,
“Oh my god, I can't believe how much time I waste every day”….
One on one very basic time management…
.. so that you can figure out where to slot in your IPAs or what I like to call income-producing activities.
I’ll discuss the basic way of breaking down my time,
then how I break it into a weekly formula,
and then how I break it into daily tasks.

Would you like to learn more?
Go ahead, watch the video....
... and remember,
"Never let anyone dull your sparkle"
✨ 💜 Sally
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