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Sparkle Coffee Time Chat #4 - Laura Jane

sparkle coffee time Jun 15, 2019

Laura Jane


Body positivity  and confidence week 


Laura Jane is a Personal Stylist & Women’s Empowerment Coach based in London, UK and is also known as The Girl. She is the founder and creator of Girl Behind The Look... A place where every woman has access to a personal stylist and women’s empowerment coach.  

Laura helps women to recognise who they are, what they are about and then make their desires and dreams come true so that they become the true versions of themselves. She does this by inspiring, empowering and guiding them to feel confident about themselves, their wardrobe, style and bodies. Laura’s mantra is that everyone is beautiful no matter what shape or size they are and that every woman deserves to have their very own personal stylist.  

With over 10 years of experience within the fashion industry, Laura’s work as a stylist has been featured in fashion magazines and she is very passionate about Body Positivity. In June 2017, she started Body Positivity and Confidence Week where she joins forces with some amazing guest speakers from Confidence Coaches to Nutritionists to Plus Size Bloggers who shared their stories on these topics to help women feel confident about themselves. In January 2018, Laura became a Body Image Movement Global Ambassador.

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